Trains For America

More choices for better transportation

Temple, Texas Mayor Bill Jones on “T-Bone” high speed rail

Recorded on June 17, 2009 using a Flip Video camcorder.

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Filed under: Uncategorized

5 Responses

  1. NikolasM says:

    The T-Bone plan should be switched with a version of the Texas Triangle with Waco, Austin, and Bryan/College Station as the points of the triangle with lines running to DFW, San Antonio, and Houston, respectively from the points. It would make for much more sane routings than the T-Bone. Temple-Kileen would still be a stop on the line. No one would look at a map and think to take the train from Houston to San Antonio that goes that far north and out of the way. This plan is a cost cutting measure that will cripple what could be a very successful network.

  2. Debbie says:

    I don’t believe The Texas T-Bone should go through! It will take up valuable farmland, homesteads, etc. . . . Just like the Corridor will do. I believe that big business needs to stop and think about who they’re supporting in this. What is more important? More transportation or food for the people here and in other states? What is more important? A railroad or people’s homes?

  3. NikolasM says:

    A double track railroad is the width of a two lane country road. It won’t take too much farmland. A highway however….

  4. Sea Toby says:

    NikolasM is correct, a high speed rail line wouldn’t take up any more farmland than half, one side, of the new 190 and 45 toll roads took around Austin. If Texas can buy land for a toll road, Texas can buy land for a high speed rail line, which isn’t as wide a path as the what the Trans Texas Corridor plan required or any new toll road/freeway,

    We could aim high with TGV/ICE doing 180-200 mph speeds, or aim low with Talgo doing 100-110 mph speeds. TGV/ICE would require building electric power as well, whereas Talgo would require diesels.

    I’m not convinced very high speed trains are required, although they would be more competitive with airlines. With Talgo we could use current railroad right of way, improving the current tracks for higher speeds, saving tons of money. By federal law you need railroad separation to go faster than 110 mph, and centralized railroad control, computer control, for speeds over 79 mph.

  5. Jim says:

    saya sudah melakukan tips poin 2 dan 3 untuk point 1 menyusul , Aerona

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